sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Small (S)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Small (S)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Small (S)

sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt - Small (S)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, Black, Relaxed Fit (SMALL)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = small (s)

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sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  MEDIUM (M)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  MEDIUM (M)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  MEDIUM (M)

sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt - MEDIUM (M)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, Black, Relaxed Fit (M)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Medium (M)

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sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Large (L)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Large (L)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Large (L)

sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt - Large (L)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, Black, Relaxed Fit (L)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Large (L)

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sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Extra Large (XL)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Extra Large (XL)
  • sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt -  Extra Large (XL)

sleepy benjamin Black T-shirt - Extra Large (XL)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, Black, Relaxed Fit (XL)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Extra Large (XL)

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sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Small (S)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Small (S)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Small (S)

sleepy benjamin White T-shirt - Small (S)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, White, Relaxed Fit (S)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Small (S)

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sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Medium (M)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Medium (M)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Medium (M)

sleepy benjamin White T-shirt - Medium (M)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, White, Relaxed Fit (M)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Medium (M)

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sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Large (L)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Large (L)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Large (L)

sleepy benjamin White T-shirt - Large (L)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, White, Relaxed Fit (L)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Large (L)

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sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Extra Large (XL)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Extra Large (XL)
  • sleepy benjamin White T-shirt -  Extra Large (XL)

sleepy benjamin White T-shirt - Extra Large (XL)

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sleepy benjamin T-shirt, White, Relaxed Fit (XL)

MATERIALS: 100% Cotton 220 gsm 100% Cotton 26 Fully Comb 170-175 gsm 100% Cotton 20 Fully Comb 175-180 gsm - White fabric TC 60% Polyester 40% Cotton 170-180 gsm

Size = Extra Large (XL)

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I based this song and the visual design around the concept of "Yugen", a traditional Japanese word that represents a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe. I wanted to encapsulate this theme within a song and visual aesthetic. The song is comprised of many ideas, layered on top of each other, representing the complexity of the

I based this song and the visual design around the concept of "Yugen", a traditional Japanese word that represents a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe. I wanted to encapsulate this theme within a song and visual aesthetic. The song is comprised of many ideas, layered on top of each other, representing the complexity of the universe we live.


  • MP4: original song paired with the original visualiser

  • WAV: HQ Audio file of the song

  • Private YouTube Link: HQ song + visualiser to be displayed on your TV!

  • Private SoundCloud Link: HQ audio to be streamed whenever you want!

  • MP4: 15 second landscape visualiser (no audio)

  • MP4: 15 second portrait visualiser (no audio)

  • PNG: Laptop wallpaper 1

  • PNG: Laptop wallpaper 2

  • PNG: iPhone wallpaper 1

  • PNG: iPhone wallpaper 2


  • sales will help fund a tour to Japan and South East Asia!!

  • by purchasing the bundle, you’ll receive exclusive access to listen to this song which I’ve spent the last month working on. This song WILL NEVER BE RELEASED publicly. Only people who buy it will be able to listen to it 👀 There are only 30 copies available. Once it sells out, there aren’t anymore!

  • a private virtual concert (more details TBA)

  • early updates on future merch and tours.

  • early access to new unreleased music!

  • raffle draws to win physical merch, shipped to your location

  • a personal thank you message from me to you ✌️




  • MP4: オリジナル曲とオリジナルビジュアライザーの組み合わせ 

  • WAV: 曲のHQオーディオファイル

  • プライベートYouTubeリンク。HQソング+ビジュアライザーをあなたのテレビに映し出します。

  • プライベートSoundCloudリンク。HQオーディオを好きな時にストリーミング配信!

  • MP4: 15秒間の横向きビジュアライザー(音声なし)

  • MP4:15秒間の縦型ビジュアライザー(音声なし)

  • PNG: ノートPC用壁紙1

  • PNG:ノートPC用壁紙2

  • PNG:iPhone用壁紙1

  • PNG:iPhone 壁紙2


  • 売り上げが日本や東南アジアのツアーの資金になるんだ!!!。

  • このバンドルを購入すると、私がこの一ヶ月を費やして制作したこの曲を聴くことができます。この曲は決して公にリリースされることはない。購入した人だけが聴くことができます! 👀 30枚しかありません。売り切れたら、もうありません !

  • プライベートバーチャルコンサート (詳細は未定)

  • 今後のマーチャンダイズやツアーに関する最新情報をいち早くお届けします。

  • 新しい未発表の音楽への早期アクセス

  • ラッフルの抽選で物理的な商品(あなたの住む場所まで配送)が当たります。

  • 僕からあなたへのお礼のメッセージ ✌️

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